The Power Chain Colors of Orthodontics
Achieving the perfect smile can be accomplished by understanding the power chain colors of orthodontics. Whether you’re looking to straighten your teeth, align them, or even just make them look brighter, knowing the proper procedure can make all the difference in the final outcome of your orthodontic treatment. Here are some popular colors and their uses.
When choosing your colors
First, pick your base color. This is going to be a neutral color such as black or white. These colors will match with any clothes that you are wearing, so they are typically better for day-to-day wear. If you want something a little bolder, you can choose an accent color for use in specific clothing pieces that are best for certain occasions. This way, it’s easy to change up your style without worrying about having a different colored necklace than pants. When picking an accent color, make sure it coordinates well with your base color and matches with most of your outfits if possible.
Deep reds and blues
We’ve all seen it—someone with a gorgeous smile that glows because they’re so happy to have straight teeth numbering chart and healthy gums. The colors indicate a strong immune system, good blood flow, and all around good health. If you like reds and blues, go with colors like blueberry or amethyst; however, if you prefer oranges and greens as your color palette, go for it! You’ll still get a beautiful power chain. In truth, there are no good or bad colors when it comes to orthodontic wires. Whatever color best fits your personality is what you should go with; after all, who doesn’t want their smile to stand out?
Oranges, pinks, yellows
If you’re an orthodontist and you’ve started placing braces on teeth, then it won’t be long before you run into a power chain. In fact, each tooth will get its own color designation. So what are they? Here are your basics:• Orange: Permanent teeth that haven’t erupted yet (also known as deciduous or baby teeth) or a tooth with caps. • Pink: Temporary anchorage devices (TADs). • Yellow: Bands and wires. • Green: Brackets. • Blue: Rubber bands for use in metal-band systems such as DamonTM brackets, IncognitoTM brackets, LavaTM archwires, and TranscendTM archwires. • Red: Rubber bands for use in ClearCorrectTM aligners.
White, black, grey
Though white is traditionally used to show teeth when creating a chain, doctors recommend that all colors be used because each color corresponds to a different type of bracket. If you’re unfamiliar with orthodontic terms, here are some explanations: Brackets: The brackets are what holds your braces in place. Each bracket is customized to fit your mouth, so don’t try and swap out colors! Visit a dentist or orthodontist if you have any concerns about size or fit. (You can also find an orthodontist using our directory.) Bands: These rubber bands hold your archwire (the metal wire that connects your brackets) in place. It’s important to make sure they’re not too tight—if they’re uncomfortable, let them out a bit. Archwire: This is what actually moves your teeth into position. You’ll wear it for 18 months before getting new one made from stainless steel wire; after another 18 months, you’ll get a permanent retainer made from plastic or metal.