Guide to Prepare for Speaking Section in TOEFL 2022

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a standardized test that assesses a person’s ability to communicate in English in four areas: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Preparing for the TOEFL is vital for students who aspire to attend universities in English-speaking nations, given its prominence in admissions at over 11,500 schools. It is necessary if you are planning to do MBA from UK.
TOEFL Speaking syllabus
The speaking component of the TOEFL is the third and final requirement. This part is intended to assess and measure the English language speaking skills and fluency of overseas students. This speaking exam assesses your ability to communicate in English in an academic atmosphere. There will be four activities in total, and all of them will be based on situations that students would encounter while studying in overseas colleges and universities. You can find out mba colleges in uk without work experience For your degree.
The first exercise will be ‘independent speaking,’ in which students will be able to discuss their personal experiences, ideas, points of view, understanding, and ideals. The remaining three activities will be ‘integrated speaking,’ which will require the application of all skills, including reading, speaking, and listening. It will seem as if students are participating in the classroom and using all of their skills while studying. Candidates will be given 15-30 seconds to prepare their replies and will be required to talk with their head speakers throughout this time.
TOEFL Speaking Question Types
The TOEFL speaking exam pattern consists of two tasks:
Question 1:
Independent Task: In this task, test takers are required to present their own opinions, experiences, and ideas.
Question 2:
Four Integrated Task – This is a cross-functional task that involves listening, writing, and reading skills in addition to speaking skills.
Tips to Follow:
- Because the speaking half of the test relies on good reading and listening skills, it is vital to have a strong foundation in both to succeed. While the test administrators do not expect you to employ advanced language in every phrase, knowing which vocabulary will be assessed is a good place to start.
- Along with these crucial TOEFL speaking guidelines, it is also a good idea to brush up on transitions, which will allow you more time to think about your response.
- Pay close attention: Questions necessitate a precise response. To understand the actual question, pay close attention to the audio clips and questions. This will assist you in properly framing your response.
- Organize your ideas: Make a list of key themes you want to emphasize in your response. Use them as a starting point. Do not memorize answers or read out sentences. Speak in a relaxed manner. Practice using a framework that lets the grader know exactly what you are going to say and defines your outline like an essay with a beginning, middle, and end. At first, it may appear strange, but practice makes perfect!
- Using plain language: Do not use fancy-sounding words or words you don’t completely understand or aren’t convinced about. Keep big words out of context as much as possible.
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Things to do for a good score
- Clarity: Students often worry about their accents, but the TOEFL speaking test does not grade accents. Students must, however, make sure that every word they say is understood. Maintaining a cadence, saying each word clearly and strongly, and making sure all of the syllables are there all help you score points. The last syllables are frequently cut off by French students, which might make it difficult for the audience to hear what you’re saying in the present perfect (among other problems).
- Pauses and intonation: It is critical to pause between sentences. Don’t go too quickly or too slowly. While speaking, be sure to intone clearly.
- Make good use of conjunctions: Because’, ‘By this, I mean, ‘For example, ‘After that, ‘So’, and other useful connecting phrases should be used in your responses.
- Develop your thinking skills: Begin by stating your response to a specific topic and then expand on it. Give it a conclusion. Don’t leave the last sentence unfinished.
To get 90+ marks
- Online, there are a plethora of test samples and speaking test simulators. However, choosing simple topics yourself is a more convenient option. For 10-15 seconds, collect your thoughts and record your speech. The more you practice, the better you’ll be at coordinating your thought and vocal processes.
- Expand Your English Vocabulary. Your vocabulary is a big element of your TOEFL Speaking score. So do not just repeat the same handful of words every time you speak. Including a few less frequent and more difficult terms in your responses will help you get a higher score.
- Make the Most of Your Preparation Time. You will get between 15 and 30 seconds to prepare for each assignment. And you’ll want to make the most of it. Do not try to put all you want to say on paper. You won’t have enough time, and reading from a script will come across as artificial, costing you points. Make a list of any special topics you want to mention from the audio clip/written piece for the four integrated activities. Make careful to finish your notes on time so that when the timer goes off and you have to start speaking, you can jump immediately into your response.